Items of interest from the Kirkwood Park Neighborhood Association

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Life in the Park is a Picnic.

Join your neighbors for the Kirkwood Park Fall Picnic! Meet new neighbors and visit with old friends as we enjoy dinner together in Lions Park. This year's Fall Picnic is Sunday, Sept. 27th at 5:30 p.m. in Lions Park Pavilion. The Board will provide the main dish and beverages. Each family attending should bring a side dish to share, along with their own plates and tableware.

In addition, the evening will feature an ice cream social. The ice cream and toppings will be provided thanks to our neighbor, Mary Ellen Kellogg. Mary Ellen recently won the Edy’s Slow-Churned Neighborhood Salute — a contest that celebrates great neighborhoods across America. Her winning essay from July 2009, which explains many of the reasons why we all love living in Kirkwood Park follows:

We live in an older neighborhood that represents all walks of life from seniors to babies. People watch out for others, helping when they can. It’s always great to be welcomed by our gorgeous big ol’ trees when driving in from work on the worst of days and then being able to walk our neighborhood and see old and new friends, sharing stories of the winter survival. What’s really neat is the fact that we have so many children coming back to live in Kirkwood Park once they’ve grown up because they like the addition so much. We knew when we moved in 17 years ago it was a great place to raise our boys — safe, friendly, fun, and a gorgeous environment. It’s not new, shiny, or the latest in fashion, but it fits like an old comfortable pair of jeans. Everyone tries the best they can to care for their place and help their neighbors as well! Everyone would love this opportunity you are offering. Thanks!

Make it a great day,

Mary Ellen Kellogg

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