Items of interest from the Kirkwood Park Neighborhood Association

Monday, September 29, 2008

Creating great communities through great kids.

A note from Judge Charles F. Pratt:

Summer is winding to a close and schools are preparing to open their doors to welcome in students. Often, teachers assign students a "what did you do with your summer" essay. Perhaps we as parents could write one as well. In it, I hope that we include asset-building moments with our children.

Building assets isn't about expensive family vacations, buying the next greatest toy, or even the cost of gas. Asset building is about relationships, which start with the time we spend with youth. Asset building is free, and asset building is easy. You don't have to be a professional with a degree in child psychology to build assets. Caring about children makes you an asset builder.

This fall, Great KIDS make Great COMMUNITIES will host the 19th Annual Conference on Youth. This year's theme is "Asset Builders: The REAL Change Makers." Youth and family serving professionals from all over Allen County and beyond will attend this full day conference, and attend workshops that encompass this very theme: that ANYONE can be an asset builder, and that building assets makes a lasting impact on the lives of youth. We don't have to wait until the conference is over however, to build assets in our kids. What could YOU do to build assets in the lives of children around you?

For more information visit

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